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Organise your wardrobe for autumn and winter


Re-organising your wardrobe for autumn, fall and winter; man grabbing knitted jumper from bottom of clothes pile

You’ve looked for your favourite sweater all morning. Then you find it. At the bottom of the pile. You reach for it but the whole pile comes crashing down. Oh, dear. We’ve all been there! Here are some clever ideas for organising your wardrobe in the colder months — so you can spend more time flaunting them and less time finding them!

6 tips to get your wardrobe organised for autumn and winter

1. Sort by season

First things first: sort and separate! The arrival of autumn is a great time to review what you own so you can decide to Marie Kondo it… or not. Does it bring you joy? If not, say goodbye. Donate what doesn’t make the cut and separate what you decide to keep into two piles: spring/summer and autumn/winter. 

Make space for cold-weather clothing by storing your summer wardrobe away for a while. Secondary storage boxes or compression (vacuum) bags are great for this.

And when you unpack your spring/summer wardrobe, it’ll feel like you’ve been shopping! Bonus. 

2. Organise hanging space

It’s inevitable that hanging space gets wild over time. Getting ready in the morning is always such a rush! Now is the time to clean up to make finding items quicker. Think about: 

  • Removing some items from the rail and storing them elsewhere. Overstuffing makes things harder to find!
  • Hanging clothes according to weight and colour or item type. And keep an eye out for good outfit combinations. This will save you time later.
  • Storing coats and other cold-weather accessories — like hats and gloves — elsewhere to free up precious hanging space.  

3. Dedicate space to jumpers and knits

They take up a lot of room, but our autumn/winter style wouldn’t be the same without them. Let’s give them the wardrobe space they deserve! Chunky knits and bulky jumpers hung on hangers lose their shape. Folding them in a big pile doesn't work either. Instead, rolling them in a dedicated draw (or three) makes finding them easier. Alternatively, add more shelves and fold them into smaller piles. 

4. Divide and conquer

Underwear drawers have a real talent for being a mess. Luckily, drawer organisers are cost-effective and make locating the right pair of socks or strapless bra a breeze. Each thing (tights, bras, underwear, sports socks, thick socks) has its place, making finding things easy. 

Re-organizing your Closet for the colder days, a sorted underwear drawer

5. Sort through shoes

None of us wears sandals in the snow. Store summer shoes away in cubbies or boxes to free up floor space for bulky boots. Tuck laces into shoes to keep things neat. And, consider putting the shoes you wear most by the front entrance and the shoes you wear less frequently in your wardrobe. Here are some shoe storage ideas as well

6. Hooks for looks

Give easy access to belts and scarves by hanging them on hooks on the inside of your wardrobe or cupboard door. You could also use trouser hangers or hangers designed for storing belts and scarves. Read more about how to store scarves here

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Pro tip: Let there be light!

Longer nights mean more time spent getting dressed in the dark in the morning (or trying to, anyway). Why not fit some additional lighting, like battery-powered LEDs, to illuminate the darker corners of your wardrobe. 

Decluttering your wardrobe when the season changes makes getting dressed simpler and less stressful. 


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