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How to remove blood stains from jeans


Aerial view of a basket of jeans.

A cut not only stings, but sometimes leaves you with an unwanted stain on your jeans. These stains appear might easily but unfortunately, it’s not so easy to get rid of them, especially if they’re not fresh. However, after reading our article, you’ll learn how to easily get rid of blood stains on jeans using simple methods and products that you can find in your home. There’s hope for your beloved jeans yet!

How to remove fresh blood stains from jeans

As we’ve already mentioned, removing blood from jeans isn’t the easiest thing to do. However, if you’re dealing with a fresh stain, this makes things a lot easier.

Probably the most important piece of advice is to ALWAYS use cold water to remove blood stains on your jeans. Warm water will only make the stain permanent! So if you notice a fresh blood stain on your jeans, immediately put them in the sink and run cold water on them. This will get rid of most of the stain. According to numerous online sources, you can then sprinkle salt on the stain and leave it for about an hour. After the time has elapsed, use cold water again to wash the salt off. Then simply wash your jeans as you normally would. For white jeans try adding a Dylon Brilliant White Repair sachet to the drum of your washing machine alongside your jeans for that extra bit of stain removal power.

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Removing dry blood from jeans

You already know that removing a fresh blood stain isn’t a big challenge. Old, dried-on blood stains, however, require more effort. Here are a few methods online sources say you can try out to remove dry blood from your jeans:

Method 1

This method requires you to prepare a salt solution. Mix about three tablespoons of salt per litre of water. Too much salt can destroy your beloved jeans, so be careful. Soak your jeans in this solution for about 15 minutes, as a kind of prewash. After the time’s up, rinse the stain with cold water and then wash your jeans in the washing machine. If you don’t want to use salt, you can use hydrogen peroxide instead. 

Method 2

Another very effective method is to use hand soap. Soak the stain on your jeans in cold water. Put a teaspoon of soap on it and gently rub the soap into the stain (you can use your finger or an old toothbrush to do this). Then rinse it off with cold water. Reapply the teaspoon of soap and repeat the process until the stain disappears. If the stain remains on your jeans, you can add a small amount of salt to the soap. Then throw your jeans in the washer.

Now you know how to remove blood stains from jeans. As you’ve noticed, there are many methods so try them out to see which one works best for you. However, remember to check the tag on your jeans before using any of them to make sure that the method you choose is safe for them.

For other trouser-related mishaps, check out our articles on how to wash suit trousers and what to do if your jeans are too long
