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Freezing cheese - not every variety can be frozen

Freezing cheese - not every variety can be frozen

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After a special occasion, it’s often the case that there is a lot of food left over. Many food items can be frozen such as bread and meat, but with cheese, it is not so easy. We will explain to you which cheese you can freeze and which you should eat in the next few days.

Can you freeze cheese?

You probably know the situation all too well – after a party or a BBQ with friends or family, there’s so much food left over, you wonder how you will ever be able to consume it all. You start to place items in the freezer, but then wonder “can you freeze cheese?” The short answer is "yes, but...". So, we’ll give you the slightly longer answer here:

What should you bear in mind?

It is possible to freeze cheese. However, the length of time the cheese can be kept in the freezer depends on the type of cheese. No cheese should spend more than two months in the freezer.

Unfortunately, the taste of cheese will not be the same after it’s been frozen. Whether on its own, on bread, or as part of a cheese platter, you’ll notice that some of the flavour is missing. The reason for this is that the cold temperature interrupts the maturing process. However, the cheese can be used for cooking or gratinating after it’s been in the freezer. Just make sure to defrost it slowly in the refrigerator after you take it out.

Freezing hard cheese

Delicious parmesan, emmental, and cheddar are of course far too good to throw away. Fortunately, it is possible to freeze them. It’s recommended to grate the cheese first and then put it in an airtight container in the freezer. The cheese can then be used for gratinating a few months later.

Freezing sliced cheese

Even sliced cheese can be frozen. The cheese keeps best if you pack it as a whole piece because the rind serves as additional natural protection. But it is possible to also freeze the cheese slices. Wrap the cheese in individual slices and use baking paper to separate them, for example. This prevents the slices from sticking together. Then seal the delicious gouda or raclette cheese in an airtight container and place it in the freezer. The frozen sliced cheese is also ideal for gratinating.

Types of cheese that cannot be frozen

Unfortunately, there are some types of cheese that don’t tolerate freezing very well. On the other hand, these varieties usually last at least a few days in the refrigerator.

  • Filata and cream cheese

Cream cheese and filata such as mozzarella or scarmorza have too high a water content. In the freezer, these cheeses change their consistency and are usually inedible after they've been defrosted. Therefore, you should consume these types of cheese as well as ricotta, cottage cheese, or provolone within a few days.

  • Soft cheese

Camembert and similar varieties also do not belong in the freezer because they quickly become mushy and lose their taste. That’s why it’s best to keep soft cheese in the refrigerator and consume within the next few days.

  • Blue cheese

The taste and consistency of blue cheese changes in the freezer. To avoid a rude awakening after defrosting, it is better not to freeze this cheese.

  • Young cheese

The cold temperature stops the maturing process. Therefore, even young, unripened cheese is not suitable for freezing.