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Being greener at home

Being greener at home

Is your dream home a green home? Maybe you’re looking for ways to save money? Either way, every step you take to make your home more eco-friendly is one that helps the planet. And while not everyone can afford solar panels, there are plenty of small changes we make in our homes to do good.

If you’re just starting out and want some sustainable living ideas, here are some budget-friendly ones to help you get started. 

9 Simple ways to be more eco-friendly at home

1. Recycling

Truth is, more than we think can be recycled — everything from glass to cars and from batteries to paper. Before you throw something away, check that it can’t be recycled instead. Getting a dedicated recycling bin — or bins — brings recycling to the top of mind.  And getting a compost bin will not only reduce what goes into the landfill via your trash can, it repurposes organic matter into fertiliser for your plants. 

2. Turn off lights

Conserving energy is one of the best ways to be more eco-friendly at home. And it’s a simple as turning off lights when they are not in use. Likewise, turn off electric appliances at the main rather than leaving them on standby. You’ll see a big difference, most noticeably in your energy bill! 

3. Invest in eco-friendly tech

We’re not saying go out and buy all new appliances. But when the time comes to replace one of them, go for an energy-efficient model (look for the Energy Star label). You’ll use less energy when the product is on, saving you money while conserving energy.

4. Waste less water

You could install a low-flush toilet and other water-saving technologies, but let’s face it. Not everyone has the budget or time for that! If you want quick, simple ways to use less water: limit the amount you flush, shorten the length of your shower, don’t let the water run when brushing your teeth or doing the dishes, and fix leaky faucets.

5. Reduce single-use plastic

Plastic has found its way into every corner of our lives. But with some conscious effort, you can reduce it at home. Take your own bags when you shop and buy loose fruit and vegetables, not wrapped in plastic. Opt for drinks packaged in glass — stop with the bottled water! Other ways to reduce single-use plastic is to buy in bulk or shop at local farmer’s markets (produce is generally tastier, too!).

6. Skip the dryer

Save on energy and be kind to your clothes and linens — let them dry naturally on a rack rather than tumble drying. 

7. LED bulbs

No need to switch up all the bulbs at home right this second! But when a lightbulb needs changing, replace it with an LED bulb. They use less energy, and they last longer — everyone’s a winner!

8. Insulate better

A lot of energy is wasted in keeping a poorly insulated house warm in winter and cool in summer. And we mean a lot. Fix drafty windows and consider curtains. They help regulate temperature, meaning less central heating or air conditioning depending on the season. 

9. Switch to renewable energy

Consider changing your energy provider to one that is greener or 100% renewable. It’s relatively hassle-free to switch, and doing so can significantly lower your household’s carbon footprint. 

See? Living a more eco-friendly lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming! It’s simply a matter of creating greener habits to reduce your environmental footprint at home.

Want more tips on living more sustainably? Ask Team Clean’s here to help.