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The window won’t close! What are my options?

The window won’t close! What are my options?

It was fine yesterday, but suddenly the window won’t close. Kind of annoying because all the heat’s escaping! This window needs closing ASAP, but what do you do? First consider the reasons why the window isn’t closing.

Reasons the window won’t close

First things first. Let’s look at some possible reasons why the window does not close.

  • It could be that there are multiple coats of paint on the window, either inside or outside
  • There may be dust and debris in the window tracks
  • The window needs to be lubricated
  • Humidity or freezing cold may have impacted the fit of the window
  • There may be a loose lock or fastener
  • The window pullies may be broken

As you can see, one or more of these situations may be causing the window to get stuck. Either way, you need to get the window to close as soon as possible!

So, the first thing to do is to spend a bit of time to assess the window and see if you can boil it down to the main issue… or a few issues to consider.  Then you can look at options to see what can be done.

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What do to next

Here are three ways to look at the problem that the window does not close properly. Once you isolate the problem, it will be easier to figure out the solution. Think of the solutions as one of three primary approaches:

  1. Minor adjustments may be needed to get the window working again in short order.
    Here is one example: Since the window won’t close, it may have a set of dirty tracks. If the tracks are lined with dirt and gunk, this will prevent the movement as you raise and lower the window, or slide it sideways. Go ahead and take a Q-tip and some isopropyl alcohol to clean the tracks, and then add a small amount of WD-40 to make sure the windows can move easily. Voila!
  2. Window and/or hardware repairs may be needed, and it is something you can easily do on your own.
    One example of a needed repair might be to replace the latch, lock, or fastener. That would involve a trip to the hardware store and to replace the new piece easily. Or you may need the window pullies rebuilt in your old house and this might require the services of an older-home window repair specialist.
  3. When the window does not close and you are ready to look at a window replacement, that may be the best solution, depending on the age and type of windows you have. If you decide to look at either a glass or a full window replacement, you can get three separate bids. Remember the cheapest one may not always be the best solution for you.

We hope our tips for when the window does not close properly have been helpful to you and don’t forget to check out our other DIY tips such as how to address when the door hinge squeaks, the heating won’t turn off, and the heating is broken. Make sure you register with Ask Team Clean to get more advice and rewards sent to you!