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  • Smiling woman smelling fresh basil at home and preparing healthy food in the kitchen
    How to reuse your kitchen waste – and use it to grow plants
  • How to prune and take care of houseplants
    How to prune and take care of houseplants
  • Donate Clothes
    Donate Clothes: Organizing and Sorting Tips
  • Trash separation made easy, trash separator with separate compartments for different types of recycling
    What do you know about separating your trash?
  • How to Water Your Cactus
    Cactus Watering – How to Water Your Cactus
  • Grill without aluminium foil
    Ditch the aluminum foil with these eco-alternatives
  • What_to_do_with_used_clothing_image
    Four sustainable ideas on what to do with used clothing
  • Care_for_and_extend_vintage_clothing_image
    Ask Team Clean is here to help you care for your vintage clothing and help make them last longer

Ask Team Clean helps bring more sustainability to your home

Humanity only has one home; planet Earth. And as we take care of our own homes, we should make sure our planet is clean too. And a bit organised. No unnecessary rubbish and poluting products. You can Ask Team Clean how you can live a sustainable life and make your home eco-friendly. We have the green answers!